Hi! I’m Lynsie.

I’m a happily married mama of two of the absolute best little humans on earth. I have a BA in Psychology, a Masters in Human Resources, and am certified as a Professional Life Coach (Christian Coach Institute).

But the thing I have that matters most for you is a life story of generational trauma that I’ve released and risen above through my own healing.

At 28 years old, I was diagnosed with Leukemia and it was during this experience that I could no longer turn a blind eye to the hurtful behavioral patterns my parents, (but especially my mother) had inflicted my entire life. After years of trying to resolve my emotional wounds through open communication, prayer, and buckets of tears, I eventually came to the painful realization that it was time to put a permanent end to my relationship with both of my parents. I then began to grieve the loss of what would never be; a healthy, supportive, loving relationship with the people I trusted most.

And it broke my heart.

Estrangement is a very difficult and personal decision, and is recommended in only the most extreme cases, which unfortunately included mine. I chose it as a means of protection for me, for my own healing, for the growth of my marriage, and for my children’s physical and emotional well-being. The part I struggled with most was how to be estranged and still honor my parents as the Bible instructs. Over time, I learned that God wants us to have healthy and life-giving relationships with others that bring Him honor and glory. However, glory and abuse cannot co-exist in the same relationaship because God is holy, good, and just. (I could go on, but back to my story…)

For a while, it was a lonely and rocky road. Because of ingrained generational patterns of dysfunctional behavior, I experienced familial backlash, excommunication, and crushing loss. My decision to cut ties was an incredibly difficult decision, but one that has helped grow my faith and find my way to God’s Truth about how to honor my parents, honor myself, and protect my family from repeating these same painful, generational patterns.

My persistence in seeking my own personal path to the Lord is what has now changed my life narrative from surviving to thriving. I used to be full of fear, anxiety, self-doubt and crippling perfectionism. It was exhausting. As I look back, I now realize what I was seeking all along. Love. This most basic human need that God hardwires in each of us was missing from my home. What I came to realize, is it was missing from my parents’ homes too when they were growing up. They had no idea how to teach me what they were never taught themselves, and on and on and on.

So how did I try to fix this absence of love? I sought it relentlessly through the pursuit of validation from others. I extinguished my own voice in a self-defeating attempt to get the love and approval from others that my parents would not and could not provide. I was miserable, lonely and confused. I was also unable to discern my own feelings, wants and needs to sustain healthy, life-giving friendships with others. On top of that, I was subconsciosly drawn to the same toxic behavioral patterns from friends that replicated familiar feelings from my youth. Not good. After one particularly painful friend break-up, I knew it was time to heal. So that’s what I did.

This is my “why”. I evoke in others a chance to rise up from the pain perpetrated by their unhealed, unconscious, and perhaps unwilling to grow, parents or early care-givers.

By healing old wounds through Biblical wisdom and my training as a coach, I’m able to guide hurting hearts to grow towards discovering, embracing, and joyfully LIVING their God-given dreams. Drawing from Biblical insights, I co-create unique-to-you techniques that are tailored towards growth, purpose, and faithful self-discovery.

  • Are you ready to break free from the expectations of others?

  • Do you want to learn how to set boundaries that honor God, and reclaim your peace?

  • Are you ready to heal?

Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.
— John 15:4

My Training

  • BA Psychology,

    University of Missouri

  • MHRIR, University of Illinois Masters in Human Resources

  • CPLC, (Certified Professional Life Coach) Christian Coach Institute (an ICF accredited school)

My Strengths

  • Christ-centered

  • Strong empathetic

    listening skills

  • Genuine warmth that makes clients feel safe and heard

  • Discerning and sincere

  • Encouraging and supportive